Fair and secure renting with digital tenant referencing.

rentcard lets you assess all applicants and select reliable tenants fast. With verified application data, no paperwork, and 100% GDPR compliance.

The problem

The current rental application process is broken.

Landlords are stuck in a manual time-consuming and fraud-prone process, while applicants waste a ton of time.

A lot of time is wasted..

Unstandardized tenant applications are difficult, time-consuming and prone to fraud. While tenants waste time and money to meet varying document requirements, landlords and agents waste significant time compiling and reviewing the data of potential applicants.

while problems are not solved

Choosing between outdated, patchy, or even false data collected without the knowledge of applicants, or minimal data in a not fully digital format is no solution. And there is no guarantee, that your tenant will pay in the end.

The solution

Immediate decisions with rentcard are here to help.

What if we could solve all your issues at once?


Identify reliable applicants at a glance

Whether students, internationals, young couples, high net-worths, or self-employed, rentcard assess applicants from all countries and financial backgrounds. The resulting scorecard lets you select matching renters immediately, while at the same time providing equal opportunities.


Minimize risk to prevent losses or conflicts

Risk of rent loss has increased significantly in the last year. We verify identity, financial health and further insights applicants want to share. This minimizes risks and enables better decisions.

reduce effort

Reduce effort through automated manual operations

Save costs by automating manual due diligence of applications. Get to decisions in seconds instead of hours and eliminate downstream document requests.

our offering

How it works

rentcard simplifies and secures your process.

Request a rentcard for application

Your applicant fills out the rentcard form with all required information fully digitally in 2 minutes.

Tenant shares verified & anonymized data

Tenants choose the insights they want to share and submit their relevant and GDPR-compliant data.

We automatically check criteria

Agents and landlords gain instant access to the information they need to assess the applicant.

You can export clear data for contracts

For the finally selected applicant, you can request all data for final screening and contract issuing.


Our comprehensive assessment is industry leading.

Identity authentication

We are able to check the identity of applicants within seconds in a highly secure fashion.

Solvency & liquidity check

We utilize AI to understand payment patterns and extract applicants' solvency and creditworthiness indicators.​

Employer verification

We analyze employment status, regularity of salary payments and further risk factors regarding an applicant's employment.​

Renter history & references

By using feedback from previous landlords as well as rental payment history data, we can reliably verify renter history.


We ensure that future tenants are properly ensured or take additional measures to ensure future rental payments.

Further insights

As far as the applicants wants to share more insights, we can provide further data based on our proprietary technology.

data security

We ensure data security and full GDPR-compliance.

No sensitive data on your servers​

We process all data on our servers and only transfer anonymized scores. On request, we also host documents for you, so they are not saved on your servers.

All data is processed within the EU

We only work with fully certified EU-based data centers and your data will never leave the EU in full accordance with GDPR-regulations.

Market-leading & certified partners​

We only work with established market-leading partners for data processing and acquisition who are certified by multiple parties to ensure customer data protection.

how it works

How it works.

Watch our short explainer video to learn more

contact us

Get in touch with us!

Contact us to schedule a product demo. We are happy to help you optimize your tentant referencing processes

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